Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Handle Hyper-Active and Creative Children

It's the long holiday for children, and I hope y'all are having fun(although I know a lot of parents/caregivers are tired already).

This post is inspired by a picture above, of children who decorated their living room with PAINT! A lot of us found the picture hilarious, and unbelievable,

We hear of and know of children that are extremely hyper-active and creative beyond their years. We all know those children; the ones whose antics leave us at the edge of our seats, and within an inch of a heart attack, the Tarzan's, Einstein's, etc. For some parents, teachers, and care givers this is their worst nightmare; mischievous children, creative children who mess up the environment while experimenting, the young inventors and scientists, etc.

It's common knowledge that every adult claims to have been super intelligent and well behaved as a child (so not true), and very often do not know how to handle hyper-active/creative children.

Here are a few tips to help us handle our creative children:
  • Do not kill the child's creativity and ego with punishments, rather channel the child's mischief into something creative and positive. 
  • Know and interact with your children or wards. Know their interests and encourage them to pursue it safely.
  • Teach and encourage children to play safe games. 
  • Explain to them the need to avoid flammable substances such as fuel, matches, gas, kerosene, glue, paints, insecticides, etc.
  • When children make a mess, they should clean up after themselves, not asking another to clean up after them. Even when the children cannot clean up totally and effectively, they should participate in the clean up, this way you are training them to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Keep sharp, harmful objects and substances away from the reach of children. These includes; drugs, disinfectants, cleaners and detergents, etc.
- See more at: http://www.covenantrelationships.org/2013/08/how-to-handle-hyper-active-and-creative.html#sthash.pt8RVnAG.dpuf
We hear of and know of children that are extremely hyper-active and creative beyond their years. We all know those children; the ones whose antics leave us at the edge of our seats, and within an inch of a heart attack, the Tarzan's, Einstein's, etc. For some parents, teachers, and care givers this is their worst nightmare; mischievous children, creative children who mess up the environment while experimenting, the young inventors and scientists, etc.

It's common knowledge that every adult claims to have been super intelligent and well behaved as a child (so not true), and very often do not know how to handle hyper-active/creative children.

Here are a few tips to help us handle our creative children:
  • Do not kill the child's creativity and ego with punishments, rather channel the child's mischief into something creative and positive. 
  • Know and interact with your children or wards. Know their interests and encourage them to pursue it safely.
  • Teach and encourage children to play safe games. 
  • Explain to them the need to avoid flammable substances such as fuel, matches, gas, kerosene, glue, paints, insecticides, etc.
  • When children make a mess, they should clean up after themselves, not asking another to clean up after them. Even when the children cannot clean up totally and effectively, they should participate in the clean up, this way you are training them to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Keep sharp, harmful objects and substances away from the reach of children. These includes; drugs, disinfectants, cleaners and detergents, etc.
  • If you have heady and or stubborn children, it is important to always be the adult. Avoid reacting to the child's tantrums with a temper tantrum of your own. Rather, calmly scold the child constructively.
  • Use corporal punishment wisely, lest you harden the child. 
Remember, that child may be the next Einstein, the talkative child may be the next broadcaster, the child who always 'destroys' or redesigns his/her clothes, the hottest designer of their generation, and The World Belongs to Those who Dare.

Contributed by Chinma Eke
- See more at: http://www.covenantrelationships.org/2013/08/how-to-handle-hyper-active-and-creative.html#sthash.pt8RVnAG.dpuf
We hear of and know of children that are extremely hyper-active and creative beyond their years. We all know those children; the ones whose antics leave us at the edge of our seats, and within an inch of a heart attack, the Tarzan's, Einstein's, etc. For some parents, teachers, and care givers this is their worst nightmare; mischievous children, creative children who mess up the environment while experimenting, the young inventors and scientists, etc.

It's common knowledge that every adult claims to have been super intelligent and well behaved as a child (so not true), and very often do not know how to handle hyper-active/creative children.

Here are a few tips to help us handle our creative children:
  • Do not kill the child's creativity and ego with punishments, rather channel the child's mischief into something creative and positive. 
  • Know and interact with your children or wards. Know their interests and encourage them to pursue it safely.
  • Teach and encourage children to play safe games. 
  • Explain to them the need to avoid flammable substances such as fuel, matches, gas, kerosene, glue, paints, insecticides, etc.
  • When children make a mess, they should clean up after themselves, not asking another to clean up after them. Even when the children cannot clean up totally and effectively, they should participate in the clean up, this way you are training them to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Keep sharp, harmful objects and substances away from the reach of children. These includes; drugs, disinfectants, cleaners and detergents, etc.
  • If you have heady and or stubborn children, it is important to always be the adult. Avoid reacting to the child's tantrums with a temper tantrum of your own. Rather, calmly scold the child constructively.
  • Use corporal punishment wisely, lest you harden the child. 
Remember, that child may be the next Einstein, the talkative child may be the next broadcaster, the child who always 'destroys' or redesigns his/her clothes, the hottest designer of their generation, and The World Belongs to Those who Dare.

Contributed by Chinma Eke
- See more at: http://www.covenantrelationships.org/2013/08/how-to-handle-hyper-active-and-creative.html#sthash.pt8RVnAG.dpuf

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