Monday, August 26, 2013

World’s most expensive beer.

In one London restaurant if you ask for the most expensive beer you may get a shock, when they bring out a 12-litre bottle of Vieille Bon Secours ale and you will probably get even more of a shock at the £700 price! The beer, which has been stored for the last 10 years and has an alcoholic volume of 8 per cent, requires at least 2 people to pour it and has been described as having a complex taste.
Fancy a Pint? World’s most expensive beer. Surprisingly the beer hasn’t been that popular in the past with the restaurant previously only selling 3 bottles, however executive chef Muir Picken at Belgo restaurant where the bottle has been sitting for 10 years would like to see the bottle be enjoyed by the restaurant locals saying “I would rather give it to our loyal customers than some city boys who sometimes walk in and say give me the most expensive beer that you have.” But with the price tag he is in a bit of a dilemma,” I don’t know whether to sell it or give it away to some of our locals and let some beer connoisseurs try it as well.”
But don’t worry if you can’t get to the Belgo restaurant in Holborn London as the bottles of this unique beer are available to buy online and come in blond, amber and dark. However if £700 is a bit too much to pay for your beer the next most expensive bottle is Samuel Adam’s Utopia which sells for £60 and is brewed by the Boston Beer Company, USA.
Picture courtesy of atul666

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