Monday, November 11, 2013

Differences Between Dating a Girl vs a Woman

A girl jumps from one social circle to another, making fast friends that don’t last. A woman values her deep friendships and nurtures that bond with time, gratitude, energy and thoughtfulness.

A boy is attracted to girls. A man is attracted to women. Now, this has nothing to do with the actual age of a person. I’m referring to maturity, life vision and stage of life. In fact, some people regardless of their age, will never really grow up. Also, this isn’t to say that a woman won’t ever have “girlish” or immature tendencies or vice versa. This post refers to one’s maturity and most points would also apply if you switch the genders as well.
If you are a boy, then expect that you will attract only girls. However, if you are a man (independent, knows your worth and value, has a strong moral compass, is considerate and an able communicator and doesn’t let insecurity dominate your psyche), then you should be dating a woman. And if you can’t spot the difference just yet, here are some pointers.
1. A girl throws tantrums. When displeased, upset or angry, she reacts just as she did as a child when she didn’t get her way with her parents. This often consists of screaming, pouting, giving the silent treatment, being passive aggressive and/or punishing. A woman still feels the emotions of being upset/displeased, but has cultivated the skill of responding versus reacting. She comes to the table as an adult, and communicates clearly what is bothering her.
2. A girl perceives herself as a princess and believes people should treat her like so. She is entitled and feels that she is owed and therefore expects more than she appreciates. A woman, has standards (what she holds herself to) not expectations (what she projects on to others).
3. A girl uses her physical beauty as her currency and basis of value. A girl may be so used to feeling validated through her looks and sexuality, that she uses this as her primary tool to get what she wants in life. A woman, knows her worth is beyond her physicality. A woman bases her value on her intelligence, her strength, her integrity, her values, her contributions, her humanity.
4. A girl banks on a man to be her financial strategy. A woman plans to be financially independent – she banks on… herself. And if she so happens to enter a relationship dynamic where it makes sense for her partner to be the primary breadwinner, it’s considered a bonus, not the expected life line.
5. A girl sees the world from a place of lack and scarcity. She competes and will even tear down another in order to secure resources or a mate. A woman helps other women. She knows that there’s plenty enough to go around and takes the high road of integrity to get what she wants.
6. A girl cannot be bothered with anything domestic and is proud of the fact that she cannot cook or clean. A woman understands that being domestic is not a duty, but understands that it is one way of taking care of herself and others. She also understands that in the event she wants to create a family, having a person in the household who can contribute domestically is important.
7. “A girl wants attention, a woman wants respect. A girl wants to be adored by many. A woman wants to be adored by one.” -anonymous
8. A girl does not respect her body.  She has not yet understood that her body and heart are sacred, and that it’s important to be mindful of how she treats it and who she shares it with. “A girl cherishes handbags, diamonds and her shoe collection as her prize possessions. A woman cherishes her health, her sense of self, and her talents as her greatest assets.” – N. Mah
9. A woman takes the time to reflect on the type of human she wants to be, the example she wants to leave and the vision for her life. She has put thought into her values and what she stands for. A girl has not established her moral compass or values and consequently, is often inconsistent. “After spending time with a girl, you feel exhausted because she takes more than she gives. After spending time with a woman, you feel invigorated, because she empowers you with possibility, and a passion for life.” – N. Mah
10. A girl has a checklist that prioritizes superficial qualities above anything else. Here is an example of how this checklist may look: Hot, popular, wears skinny jeans, over 6 feet tall, rich.. This is the checklist of what a woman may look for: High integrity, intelligent, kind, good communicator, emotionally available…
Now, a lot of these differences require taking the time to know someone to figure out if the apple of your eye is indeed a mature woman, or someone with an immature mindset. However, one of the quickest filters that you can notice from the beginning is this:

Now, a lot of these differences require taking the time to know someone to figure out if the apple of your eye is indeed a mature woman, or someone with an immature mindset. However, one of the quickest filters that you can notice from the beginning is this:
11. A girl plays games. A woman doesn’t.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to End Your Fear of Love

Love is a very complicated thing. It is one of the most common emotions in the world. One word cannot truly express the meaning of love, so it is only natural that a fear of love can develop in anybody, you, your sister, even the person next to you Maybe you're afraid of being loved, or you're afraid of falling in love. Whatever the case, and whatever your past experiences that may have caused this fear, you can turn your fear into love.

Figure out what you're actually afraid of. There is a good chance that you are not afraid of love itself, rather, something more specific. For example, you may think you're afraid of being loved, when in reality, you fear getting to know a person who is interested in you. Or, you may think you are afraid of falling in love, when you are actually afraid of losing control in your life.
Identify a cause for your fear. Once you know what you are afraid of, figure out if there is something that caused you to fear it. In most cases, a fear can be caused by past experience. Maybe you got to know someone a couple of years ago and you realized that they were not who you originally thought they were. Or, maybe you used to be madly in love with someone and all of your other interests and hobbies suffered because of it. 

Figure out what you learned from the experience, instead of blaming yourself over and over. If that person wasn't who you thought they were, then now you know that you shouldn't assume that you know someone, when you barely know them. Or, if the person you were madly in love with was detrimental to all of your other interests, then you now know you should find someone that supports your interests and hobbies and is a positive influence on your life.

Work on conquering your fear, keeping what you've learned in mind. It won't happen overnight. In fact, you shouldn't try to make it disappear at once, or you will overwhelm yourself. Face your fear as much as possible over a long period of time until it no longer is a fear for you anymore. 
Realize that it's all right if you fail at love. Everyone fails at love at some point or another so you're not alone. 



  • Concerning the common worry, "Is he/she the right one for me?," or , "Should I ask him/her out?," remember that you probably never will be 100% sure. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and learn from it if it doesn't work out. But if it does, you will be very glad you took a chance and made it happen.
  • Don't worry about whether or not you're beautiful or ugly. Everyone's beautiful in their own special way. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, and believe it.
  • Don't idolize this person. They have flaws too.
  • Be yourself! People will notice if you're trying to be someone else. The best thing you can be is yourself. If they don't like you for who you are, then they're not worth it.
  • Don't over-think - use your heart!
  • Have confidence in yourself! And be sure to love yourself!
  • Be real and don't dress or act in ways that are not true to yourself.
  • Good luck!
  • There's someone for everyone
  • Nobody wants to be lonely! So if you think about it, would you rather try your hand at love or just give up and be alone your whole life? Everyone is a pretty decent person and kind.
  • You will have many good experiences and bad experiences when it comes to love. You may feel the desire to just give up. You should never completely give up. Instead, choose a different path.
  • Sometimes people can't find love because of their high expectations for a potential relationship. Sometimes it's just best to settle for less as long as the person you're eyeing is a decent person in all respects.
  • Don't be sad if you have never had a boyfriend/girlfriend before. There are other people who have never had a relationship before so you're not alone.
  • There is somebody for everybody out there. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to give it time and someone new will come along. Time heals all wounds. All you have to do is give it time.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Could the Al Shabaab be using KTN’s Jicho pevu as their mouth piece?




Could the Al Shabaab be using KTN’s Jicho pevu as their mouth piece? Granted our soldiers and security forces did not behave well before, during and after the Westgate Attack, I would like to WARN Kenyans against believing Jicho Pevu. As usual I will lay facts on the table- and avoid emotional and illogical arguments.

(Written By Gordon Opiyo) First- I will declare my interest: I have been writing on Islamic Fundamentalism, especially the brand that attacks Christians for more than ten years- I have studied the modus-operendi of Terrorists and their propaganda machinery. I have also studied the Koran and issue of Martyrs.
I have just watched the one and a half hour propaganda masterpiece done by Mohammed Ali and would like to raise the following points:- I would not like any other Kenyan to be misled into believing LIES against Kenya and ELEVATION of those murderous cowardly Muslim fanatics.
1)For the the whole one and a half hour of Jicho Pevu- Mohammed Ali does NOT call those murderers Terrorists. He only makes mention of the term “Magaidi”after the clip that shows president saying that five terrorists have been Killed.
2) Ali calls those murderers heroic terms like “Wapiganaji”, “Wanamgambo” but NEVER calls them TERRORISTS
3) In the first fifteen minutes of Jicho Pevu- Ali chooses his clips very carefully in order to pass a MESSAGE to KENYANS from AL- Shabaab. Listen to this statement from one of the people that was spared by the Murderers “You did not spare our women and children- why should we spare your children” The FACT that Ali chooses to focus on that statement should raise any antenna of Terrorists Network watchers. To increase their impact- the Islamic Fundamentalists usually release some victims and lets them speak through some carefully chosen media. I believe Jicho Pevu is their key voice in Kenya.
4) Jicho Pevu cleverly demonises the KDF, and makes them look like a bunch of fools. Note that there soldiers are not angels- but the propaganda tools of Islamic Terror networks takes advantage of weaknesses in the opposing forces to blow issues out of proportion. They have successfully done that in Iraq, Russia and Afghanistan. For instance, without evidence- Jicho Pevu claims that there were only 4 “Wapiganaji” “Wajasiri” fighting against 200 KDF. The fact that some CCTV cameras show 4 murderers does not mean that they were only 4.
5) Several Verses in the Koran encourage Martyrs to take up arms since the enemy will kill each other: Ali cleverly uses the same verses by claiming that the six KDF soldiers that died “Waliuana wenyewe kwa wenyewe”. Listen to any tape by Rogo and you will get the same statement word for word. Those with eyes and ears- see and hear for yourself.
6) Ali claims that the 4 Escaped. He does not give us maps from the location of the CCTV on how they could have escaped. Why? What is his motive? Prepare us for another attack?
7) Three weeks before the Westage Attack- Jicho Pevu showed gory images on TV of Rogo and other Islamic Fundamentalists that have been in the forefront of teaching hatred against Christians and KDF. Displaying of bodies of “Martyrs” is usually used by Fundamentalists to prepare others for attacks. Ask yourself one key question: Why did Jicho Pevu break ALL journalistic rules to display the bodies of Rogo and three others on National TV? Was it a mere coincidence that after three weeks of Jicho Pevu displaying those bodies Kenya is attacked? Facts speak for themselves
8) Martyr Body Display: This is one of the key methods used by Jihadists and their preferred media outlets. In Late August Mohammed Ali broke ALL Journalistic Rules by PUBLICLY displaying the Bodies of Aboud Rogo and three other slain clerics. That was not just a bad editorial judgement- but a properly timed activity in any Islamic Fundamentalists schemes. Ask yourself these hard questions
a) Why would anyone want to display for more than ten minutes badly mutilated bleeding bodies of “three Martyrs” at 7 pm?
b) What purpose does the display of “Martyrs” serve? This is meant to act as a signal to other “Martyrs”. Fundamentalist Islam teaches that Martyrs bodies have special powers. If you believe that there is no connection between the Jicho Pevu Display of Mutilated Bodies and the Westgate Attack three weeks later, then you must be tough. The Middle East Media Research Institute has details of previous tactics: Check them out in this link
9) Demonising The Military Force: In order to encourage more Jihadists, the Islamic Fundamentalists have a well tested tactic of making the opposing FORCE look terrible and foolish: This tactic has worked well in Iraq and Afghanistan. Buy any preaching tape by Rogo and you will discover that Rogo and his fellow preachers at the Masjid Musa Mosque have been demonising KDF in all their preachings.
This is done in order to lift the spirits of new recruits, and fire them up against the “terrible” enemy. I have checked, and rechecked the section that claims that KDF looted- but some things just do not add up: Before you join the mob justice of judging our forces- consider this
a) Looting would have seen them carrying different goodies, of different sizes and colours: The images I have seen just show seven men carrying similar sized paperbags. Nowhere do I see any till being broken into, nowhere do I see any soldier picking anything from any shelf. Before we jump into the mob justice against our soldiers- consider this: Al shabaab has manufactured several defamatory stories against Ugandan Forces.
The only difference is that Museveni will shut down any irresponsible media house that airs anything that tarnishes UPDF without proof. Jicho Pevu has depicted KDF as a bunch of clueless nincompoops. First, by claiming that 200 men were not able to capture 4 “Fighters”, second, by sensationally claiming that the 4″Fighters” mysteriously escaped(without showing how and through what route).
The fact that cameras only captured 4 men does not mean that there were only four. Westgate has several shops and we cannot conclude that they were only four, when we only have CCTV footage of three sections of the mall that has hundreds of sections. This fits well in the Islamic Fundamentalists system of demonising the opposing force.
10) Why Cant ALI use his investigative skills to get to the bottom of those that funded the attackers? Why cant he use his skills to expose the preachers that have been recruiting young men to fight against Kenya and kill Christians? Why Cant Jicho Pevu give us the network that hosted these killers? Truth is: ALi is not willing to expose them; Reason- I will explain later
Gordon Opiyo

Biography for Lupita Nyong'o



Biography forLupita Nyong'o More at IMDbPro »

Date of Birth

5' 5" (1.65 m)

Mini Biography
Lupita Nyong'o was born in Mexico, raised in Kenya and educated in the USA. She is a graduate of the Yale University School of Drama's Acting program.

Lupita's film debut was playing "Patsey" in acclaimed director, Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave (2013). She was also the lead in MTV's award-winning drama series, "Shuga" (2009).

Lupita's stage credits include playing "Perdita" in "The Winter's Tale", (Yale Repertory Theater), "Sonya" in "Uncle Vanya", "Katherine" in "The Taming of the Shrew", as well as being in the original production of Michael Mitnick's "Elijah".
IMDb Mini Biography By: Seventh Sense Communications

Lupita is a graduate of the Yale School of Drama.