Monday, August 26, 2013

Kenyan woman, two toddlers in Dubai evicted after husband abandons family

Dubai: A Kenyan mother and her two children are homeless in Dubai and have been evicted from their Sharjah apartment, after the woman’s husband allegedly refused to pay the rent.
Farida Salim said her estranged Tanzanian husband, who she married in 2009, abandoned them earlier this year to live in another apartment with his first wife, a Yemeni woman.
The mother and her two sons, aged one and two, says they were evicted last Monday because the husband, a salesman in a Dubai cargo company, had not paid the rent and gave cheques to the landlord that bounced.
Farida, a former bank collections agent in her 30s, said two women’s shelters in Sharjah and Dubai told her they only handle cases of domestic violence or human trafficking.
She also called the Kenyan embassy in Abu Dhabi and its consulate in Dubai for help but says she has not heard back from them.
A friend has paid for them to stay in an Ajman hotel from Sunday to Tuesday, after which they will have nowhere to go.
They have unsuccessfully tried to sleep in mosques.
They were also asked to leave a relative’s home who had initially let them spend a night.
She said she has no money for a ticket home and her visa — which her husband allegedly never sponsored for residence status — has expired.
Farida won a Sharjah Sharia (Islamic) court judgment that asks her husband to pay Dh4,000 a month to her, but he is not honouring the court order, she said.
According to a copy of the court ruling, seen by Gulf News, the husband is “obliged to pay Dh2,000 to the plaintiff on a monthly basis” starting from May 15.
The judgment, issued in June, adds he must also pay her another Dh2,000 “to be spent on her sons Mohammad, two, and Mazin, one, for clothing, food and drinks.”
It continues, the husband is “obliged to renew her sons’ visas upon expiry.”
The husband declined to comment when contacted by Gulf News on Monday.
“My husband doesn’t give me a dirham. We’ve been kicked out on the street because of his neglect. He has a two-bedroom apartment, at least he can take the kids in,” Farida said.
“I just a need job to stand on my feet again, I’m a hard worker. But I can’t cope without a place to stay and feed my children, all doors are closing on me.”
She said she used to make about Dh17,000 a month in salary and incentives at her bankjob.
“I used to pay the rent and expenses, even though that [was supposed to be] my husband’s responsibility. Everything changed after I quit to take care of my sons at home. He said ‘Why did you quit? I can’t support you.’ I used to get Dh50-Dh60 from him per week, but I’ve not seen a penny since April,” Farida said.
She added that her bank told her she cannot rejoin for a year as she left voluntarily, and there’s no opening. Farida is asking friends to circulate her CV in hopes of landing work again.
“I’m a respectable woman. I just need some help with a job or place to stay so my kids are safe. I’m not asking for money, I want justice.
“I was in love. I trusted my husband and forgave his faults — I made a mistake. People say no one goes hungry [during] Ramadan, but we did,” a tearful Farida said.
Farida speaks Arabic, English and Swahili.
Source: Gulf News

Kids dancing their hearts out,lol

Our president when he was a young boy

Saturday, August 24, 2013




Residents of Kiamwathi village in Nyeri got a rare and unusual shock of their lives when Shadrack Kinuthia sent his wife and children away claiming that he is in love with a monkey that he brought home!Shadrack,an Engineering graduate of JKUAT hugged and kissed the monkey while showing open affection for the animal.The villagers thought the Engineer has gone bananas but he assured them that he was sane and sound. The man who is blessed with TWO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS did not want to see or talk to any member of his family;actually,he claimed that they are EXPECTING A CHILD anytime with the PONGIDAE meaning that he has raped the monkey severally. The man was arrested and may undergo mental examination so as to estabilish whether he looks at the world with two eyes and the Monkey put under the custody of KWS.

We all change miraa ban,says #Ruto

Who is God?

who is God

Who is God? What is He like? Six personality traits of God...

He is Knowable.

God, who created the universe in all of its magnitude and creative details, is able to be known, by us. He tells us about himself, but even goes beyond that. He welcomes us into a relationship, so that we personally can get to know him. Not only can we know about him, we can know him, intimately.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the Lord,
who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight," declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:23,24)

He is Approachable.

God invites us to talk to him and engage him in what concerns us. We don't have to get our act together first. Neither do we need to be polite, theologically correct or holy. It is his nature to be loving and accepting when we go to him.
"The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth." (Psalms 145:18)

He is Creative.

Everything we make is put together with existing materials or built on previous thoughts. God has the capacity of speaking things into existence, not just galaxies and life forms, but solutions to today's problems. God is creative, for us. His power is something he wants us to be aware of and to rely on.
"Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit." (Psalms 147:5)

"...where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalms 121:1,2)

He is Forgiving.

We sin. We tend to do things our way instead of God's way. And he sees it and knows it. God does not merely overlook such sin, but is prepared to judge and condemn people for their sin. However, God is forgiving and will forgive us from the moment we begin a relationship with him. Jesus, the Son of God, paid for our sin with his death on a cross. He rose from the dead and offers us this forgiveness.
"We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done... We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us." (Romans 3:22,25)

He is Honest.

Just like a person who lets you know their thoughts and feelings, God clearly tells us about himself, the possible difference being, he is always honest. Everything he says about himself, or about us, is reliable information. Truer than our feelings, thoughts, and perception, God is totally accurate and honest in what he says. Every promise he makes to us can be fully counted on, he means it. We can take him at his word.
"The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path." (Psalms 119:130,105)

He is Capable.

How would you like to be always 100% right, about everything? God is. His wisdom is unlimited. He understands all the elements of a situation, including the history and future events related to it. We do not have to update him, counsel him or persuade him to do the right thing. He will, because he is capable and his motives are pure. If we trust him, he will never make a mistake, never undercut us or deceive us. He can be fully trusted to do what is right, in all circumstances, at all times.
"No one whose hope is in you
will ever be put to shame..." (Psalms 25:3)

This is who God tells us he is. The following explains how you can begin a relationship with God right now: Knowing God Personally.